It started with the dream of going back to school to do something that felt so important to me, more connected to what I wanted to do, something I could be proud of and share with my children one day. Then this dream became a possibility, and the rest is history thanks to my supportive family and friends and the people I have met along the way. I am so grateful to the clients I have worked with who continue to teach me and push me as a counsellor to grow and learn in order to do the work I am so passionate about.

Root Nurture Grow Counselling, started as a one-person private practice, and now we are growing into the next season of our journey. We have expanded to include some pretty amazing people as part of our team to help support the need for mental health services in the communities we live in.

Thank you for taking the time to get to know us a bit more. We look forward to connecting soon.

Take care,

Chrissi Stronach, MACP; RP, CCC, RCC

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